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Concordia College Year 11

Concordia College Year 11

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Concordia College Year 11


Concordia College Year 11

On Tuesday 23 May, Concordia College Year 11 students will join together for a cross-campus mini “Walk my Way” event, walking laps of the College oval to raise money for Australian Lutheran World Service.
This event first took place in 2020, when the official Walk my Way events could not take place due to Covid-19. Since then, this has become an annual event, which has raised over $7,000 since its inception.  
Please support us this year as we walk to bring education and opportunity to children worldwide.
Why are we walking?
This year we’re walking to help the people of  Turkey and Syria, as they recover from the recent devastating earthquakes. We want to help in a practical way that changes lives - and we know we can do that through the work of ALWS who are on the ground in these countries!

The Walk My Way initiative was launched by ALWS (Australian Lutheran World Service), the Lutheran church’s aid and development agency, in 2019 and has helped 62,500 refugee children access education. Education is a powerful way to empower and grow the capacity of a whole community.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost for students to participate in the walk but we encourage every student to collect sponsorship to support their fellow students overseas. Feel free to share the fundraising link with your family and friends and get them to support you too!
Where can you donate?
Go to the DONATE button on the top of this webpage and choose the team (Year 5 or Year 11) that you wish to support. Donations over $2 are tax deductable.

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ALWS Australian Lutheran World Service

Reach out in love … for justice!

Through ALWS, caring people in Australia and New Zealand reach out in love to help families in desperate need in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Call 1300 763 407 or email us to find out more, or go to
Thank you for bringing practical care to families around the world!

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